FinTrailO Accommodation
We have chosen Hotel Nuuksio as the official FinTrailO Hotel. The reasons are clear: cheap (for Finland) price and many accessible rooms. The beautiful nature surroundings and calm atmosphere in the Nuuksio National Park are a bonus!
Budget travellers, see below this text!
Hotel Nuuksio:
Single room 70 eur/night
Double room 80 eur/night
Price includes breakfast and use of swimming pool & sauna in the morning and in the evening (yes we are in Finland! :D ). The sauna department is accessible.
Booking must be made by 25 February 2017 via email Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. using the code FinTrailO. The sooner you make it, the better chance to get a room, of course.
There are two fully equipped accessible rooms for wheelchair users, but in addition there are 18 rooms on the first floor which can be accessed by wheelchair. The door is 78-80 cm wide and the toilet door 60-70 cm. There is no extra space next to the toilet (see photos on Facebook) but there is a shower. In addition, there are two fully equipped accessible toilets (with handles) along the corridor next to the rooms. When booking the room, remember to mention if you want an accessible room (2 rooms only) or one of the 18 rooms on the first floor that can be accessed with wheelchairs, and if you need a room with toilet door width of 70 cm (or more, if they have). People that do not need accessible rooms should have rooms on other floors.
You can reach the hotel by bus (28T) but it’s recommended to have a car. The address is Naruportintie 68, Espoo.
Please note that 30 April (“Vappu”) is the loudest party day/night in Finland, and therefore it might be a good idea to stay somewhere outside of city centres (because of possible party noise in the night).
Budget alternative (not accessible)
You can book a bed on our (OK 77) club cottage for the FinTrailO weekend for 20 eur/person/night.
The cottage (text in Finnish but photos):
It’s located in the Nuuksio National Park, address Ruuhijärventie 33, Espoo. There is an orienteering map of the surroundings that you can order separately. You can reach the cottage by bus (1 km from the bus stop) but it is easier if you rent a car. The competitions can be reached by public transport, but again it is easier if you have a car.
The beds are: 2 x 3 people’s bed and 2 x 1 person’s bed in the actual cottage (the bed linenhas been changed after taking the photos) and 6 beds in a separate small building.
There is a kitchen (with an oven, microwave, fridge, dish washer), showers, toilets, washing machine and sauna in the cottage.
Booking: email to outi.grotenfelt (at) When booking, mention that you are FinTrailO competitor.